A Pep Talk for my Fellow Unemployed Boss Babe

Is “boss babe” your identifier? I know I’ve definitely used it to define myself. It’s who I am; I’m a hustler, a boss babe. And then…I got laid off. It happens. In my case, it was thanks to the Coronavirus. I’m not gonna lie, I cried for like a week straight because I thought if I didn’t have a job, then who was I? 

I wanted to write this blog for all of you who lost your job and feel like you’ve lost your identity. You’re valuable and important, no matter where you work or your status. I want you to journal your angry/sad/shitty feelings and start over. It’s okay to be pissed off and be pessimistic. Let yourself go through those feelings. 

Once that’s over, It’s time to start doing what you do best, be a BOSS! Learn new skills that you didn’t have time for when you had that full-time job, you can use sites like Skillshare, or Youtube! You could end up with a side hustle or a new passion!

This is a perfect time for you work on your passion project, or to finally sleep more than 5 hours a night! I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, yes even getting fired from your “dream job”.

Here’s a sign from the universe: Get your shit together - you got this.

You’re strong as hell and no job can change that!