7 Tips for Dating Someone Ambitious!


I'm a really ambitious person, sometimes overly ambitious! I think of ideas and I feel like launching it RIGHT AWAY. In fact, I rebranded my entire blog in a day (logo and all). I've never dated someone with the same drive and ambition as I do, and there are definitely a few lessons I've learned along the way. Read below to learn a few tips about dating someone as ambitious as you!

1. Don't take it personal when they forget a date night.

This doesn't mean it's okay for them to forget ALL the time. Accept the fact that they are so passionate about their goals that they tend to burn out. I've come up with a system and it's the most basic thing ever. Keep reading!

2. If it's not on the calendar it probably won't happen.

I live by this. It's hard juggling jobs, side hustles, and a blog. Making time for each other needs to be a priority, on both sides, calendars help you not feel like an asshole when you forget plans!

3. Communicate when it's a crazy week.

I can't begin to explain how important this is. Life comes in seasons where everything comes down at once and it's hard to balance everything + be there for someone else. COMMUNICATE. Talk about the crazy week you're about to go into so your S/O won't feel neglected.

4. Collaborate!

I love this feeling so much!!! When me and my S/O put our heads together it's almost like magic. Creating with your partner is unmatched and reveals so many new talents! I would've never thought that I could build my own website until he really put me to the test to challenge myself!

5. Limit the work talk after hours.

This is what we both struggle with so much, but it's vital to your relationship. I'm the type of person who can talk about my career and my blog for HOURS. My thought process is verbal and lengthy, so I've learned when to limit that with my S/O. Don't get me wrong, we brainstorm and pitch ideas weekly, but we try to keep it only about general things and a few days a week!

6. Appreciate rest.

Down time is necessary when working + creating for hours on end. Appreciate the rest, take time to slow down and refocus each other on your relationship. There's a lot to do, ALWAYS, step away from the computer and do something just for you guys, as a couple. We like to cook mostly because it causes us to put the phones away and the music all the way up (and bc food duh).

7. Support your Hustler/Boss Babe !!!

It's as simple as liking every post, posting their business on your story, collaborating, etc! This tip is a big one, it's the biggest reason why I (a crazy ambitious loca) has stopped dating so many people in the past. If you don't support my hustle and my creativity, I don't really want you around. My S/O is always asking me to edit photos for his side hustle and I'm more than happy to! It goes both ways, he knows how important my blog is, he's out here constantly taking photos and videos because he knows how much I'd appreciate it and how hard I'm working to not have my phone out LMAO!

It's all about supporting your crazy, passionate, ambitious S/O <3

That's it! Comment your tips below!