Body Acceptance or Fetish?


Do people really accept fat bodies, or do they just fetishize them? I kept seeing this topic pop up on twitter and I realized how many people truly see plus sized women as a BBW category in porn. It makes me wonder if people truly accept my body for what it is or if they see it more as a sex symbol. 


Insecurity drives people to believe that the only way they can find my body attractive is if they sexualize it. I get it, I’ve been guilty of it myself, and I’ve masked my own insecurity with over-sexuality and seen that it does not take me very far. At the end of the day I wouldn’t feel satisfied with my body. It wasn’t until I started working on my own insecurities and realizing that I didn’t need to dress or look a certain way in order to accept my body, I just needed to love it for what it was. 


I like wearing revealing clothing and pushing the limits of what a curvy girl ‘should’ wear in public. I find that feeling sexy gives me confidence and a different attitude. I laugh at all the unwanted comments and insults I get, but it makes my heart hurt for women that are still living under that shell of insecurity. You’re afraid that people will see you as a fetish and nothing more, but I’m here to say that this isn’t what you should be worried about.


People are going to judge the way you look and how you carry yourself; it’s whether or not you decide to allow this information to affect you that will make all the difference. Once you let go of other’s opinions you’ll realize how much it weighed you down and stopped you from living your best life. 


Be confident in yourself and you’ll see that nothing you wear will ever change that.