COVID-19 – My Symptoms and Home Remedies that Helped.


On July 1st, 2020 I woke up with a severe dry cough. I immediately went into panic mode, I had just celebrated Father’s day with my immediate family, and not to mention I was graduating in a month. I quickly thought the worst of the worst, IT’s COVID. Welp, I was right, here’s a timeline and a list of my symptoms in case you find yourself going through the same thing, this is what worked for me. 


July 1st, 2020: Woke up with a dry cough, fever of 99.8, piercing migraine, and body aches.


July 3rd: Got tested for Covid-19 at the Youth Fair Site, here in Miami. The test wasn’t too bad for me personally, it was scary because of how anxious I was and it did hurt my nose quite a bit, but I luckily didn’t bleed. 


July 4th: Still had a fever, body aches and fatigue were setting in during mid-day. Ibuprofen helped my fever go down and also helped with headaches. Started drinking Green Tea with ginger and lemon every night to improve my cough.


July 8th: Test results came back positive. This didn’t come as a surprise because I was starting to lose my sense of smell and I was coughing consistently. Luckily the only other person I had infected was my boyfriend, and he was asymptomatic. I decided to take in some sun outside and took a walk down empty streets. When I came back home, after about an hour of being outside, I started to feel weak and my entire body shut down, I slept for 10 hours that day.


July 10th: Fever wouldn’t quit but didn’t go above 100.4. No trouble breathing so I decided not to go to the hospital. Cough was VERY dry and constantly gave me runny eyes. I started taking Emergen-C for an extra immunity booster. No appetite.


July 15th: Missed my youngest niece’s birthday because although it had already been two weeks, I still had symptoms. Decided not to get tested until my symptoms were mostly gone.  No fever, but still coughing and was not able smell at all. The Green Tea was really helping soothe my sore throat.


July 20th: No more cough, YAY! I was not able to work for 8 hours straight because I would get fatigued too easily so I decided to batch my work in 2-hour intervals and took breaks in between to rest and eat. 


July 22nd: Migraines became few and far between. Having to rely less on ibuprofen, but still taking my vitamins and drinking tea. I was finally able to smell again!


July 23rd: Got tested again for COVID, this time I performed the test orally on myself by swabbing the inside of my cheeks, which was a million times less painful than the swab up my nose. 


July 28th: Tested Negative for COVID! YAY!


I made this timeline for anyone who is afraid or wants to know what it’s like to have COVID-19. I personally feel lucky that my symptoms weren’t bad enough to put me in the hospital and I’m thankful I didn’t infect my family. I’m still not sure where I got infected because I work from home and I wear a mask anywhere I go, but I think it was from a restaurant I had lunch at. I dined outside, more than 6 feet apart from everyone, but even then it was a poor choice in my part.

I would also like to note that the methods that I used to help my symptoms are in no way an indicator of what will work for everyone! Please read up all about Covid-19 on the official CDC website and WEAR A MASK!